Sunday, October 07, 2007

NJ's Liberal Senators

Three months ago I sent a letter to the president, the vice president, and my liberal NJ senators expressing my opposition to the immigration shamnesty bill. Below is the boilerplate response from Senator Menendez. A liberal Hispanic from NJ, you can just guess which way he votes...

Fear Big Government!

New Jersey's government has officially run amok. It was probably official ten years ago, but just when you think it can't get worse, it does. It is becoming almost a hobby writing angry letters to politicians. It doesn't seem to really get me anywhere though. In addition to not being able to answer a phone call, the pertinent website is on...

New Jersey Division of Taxation
License Verification Program
PO Box 272
Trenton, NJ 08695-0272

RE License # 1234456

October 7, 2007

To whom it may concern:

I have receive the enclosed letter threatening to revoke my real estate license for failing to respond to your letter dated 10/9/2006. I responded immediately and registered on line. Enclosed please find proof of my registration.

I also called your offices upon receiving your threat letter, only to get a recording saying that no one can answer my call, and referring me back to your convoluted, confusing website. Please do not suspend my license, I did everything you asked me to do.

I would like add that I have no faith in our dysfunctional, parasitic, selfish, corrupt state government. Do you wonder why? All you do is steal our money and waste it. Less of you means more prosperity for us, the taxpaying victims of New Jersey.

Feel free to contact me at the number listed above should you have any questions. Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Very truly yours,


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Impeach George!

While I certainly do not agree with the sentiments of this bill, I did actually find it in my wallet. (Click to enlarge).